The Himba are a nomadic tribe that live in northern Namibia. They are easily recognized by their distinctive appearance and the habit of applying a paste called otjize to their skin and hair.
During dry seasons when water is scarce, this paste can be used to bathe the skin and serve as a barrier against the elements and insects. The Himba have a long history of welcoming guests with open arms, frequently with the assistance of their wives.
The Himba people have an unusual conceptional belief: babies are attracted to the womb by a spirit baby singing a special song, rather than being the only result of the union of sperm and egg. Another expectant mother is hearing this tune.
This ritual is performed by a woman when she wishes to get pregnant. It entails making a bed under a palm tree on a windy day, listening to the wind, and learning the song of the spirit baby who wants to be born at that specific moment.
The expectant mother learns the song, then goes in search of the man she wants to be the father of her unborn child and teaches him the words. They sing a love song together that is about their union.
It is believed that singing the song while having a sexual encounter may tempt the unborn kid to develop inside the mother's body