The 5 words most used by liars, according to AI

Detecting a liar can be tricky, but there are always clues

The 5 words most used by liars, according to AI

Lie detection has been a topic of interest in both psychology and linguistics. A recent study, supported by artificial intelligence, has identified certain words and language patterns that people tend to use more frequently when they are lying. Although there is no foolproof formula for identifying a liar, knowing these words can help detect warning signs in a conversation.

Absolute terms

Words like "never" and "always" are common among liars. By using these categorical terms, they try to reinforce their version of events and make it seem more convincing. However, reality is rarely so absolute, which may indicate that they are trying to hide something.

Introductory phrases

Expressions like "honestly," "to be honest" or "I'm telling you the truth" can raise suspicion. When someone feels the need to clarify their sincerity, they could be trying to manipulate the listener's perception and give more weight to their statement.

Certainty reduction

Liars often use words that diminish certainty, such as "I think," "it seems to me," "I guess" or "it could be." These expressions allow them to maintain an out if confronted later, as they do not make definitive statements.

The 5 words most used by liars, according to AI

Use of 'but'

The word "but" often marks the beginning of a contradiction or justification in speech. Phrases such as "it's not that I'm hiding anything from you, but..." may be indicative that what follows contradicts what was said earlier, suggesting an attempt to divert attention.


Liars tend to avoid concrete details and opt for vague terms such as "that", "that" or "that situation". This use of imprecise language allows them to distance themselves from deception and avoid committing to specific facts.


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