Ghanaian Teacher Stalked by Mentally Unstable Man Demanding 'Forbidden Fruit'

Ghanaian Teacher Stalked mad Man

A female Ghanaian teacher has recounted a bizarre and disturbing experience with a man she suspects to be mentally unstable, who frequently appears near her classroom during lessons.

The unidentified man, often carrying a hoe or cutlass, silently observes her and her pupils through the window.

Summoning courage, she confronted him about his strange behavior, only to receive an unsettling response.

Ghanaian Teacher Stalked by Mentally Unstable Man Demanding 'Forbidden Fruit'

He claimed he was there for something between them-what he described as her "forbidden fruit."

A video shared by the teacher captures the eerie moment as he stood outside her classroom, making his cryptic demand.

Ghanaian Teacher Stalked by Mentally Unstable Man Demanding 'Forbidden Fruit'

The disturbing encounter has sparked safety concerns, with many urging authorities to address security in schools.

Parents and teachers alike are calling for stricter measures to protect learning environments from such intrusions.

Ghanaian Teacher Stalked by Mentally Unstable Man Demanding 'Forbidden Fruit'

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