"Encouraging women to get married, is like encouraging hem to step one inch closer to our death" - Chidera Eggerue

'Encouraging women to get married, is like encouraging hem to step one inch closer to our death' - Chidera Eggerue

Chidera Eggerue is a British Nigerian writer and fashion blogger ha asserted that encouraging women to get married is like encouraging a woman to her death.

Chidera Eggerue believes that men are unreliable and cannot be trusted. She described men as women's apex predator.

Chidera emphasized that men can easily end the lives of their wives so "encouraging women to get married, is like encouraging women to step one inch closer to our death".

According to the fashion blogger, if a woman is encouraged to get married then it should only be done with the intentions of having her interest at heart.

"If i were to get married to a man, I will only be getting married to who's putting land, properties, and assets in my name," she said.

Watch her speak...


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