What does God say about the second death?

What does God say about the second death?

Nature is consistent and uniform in her methods.

One of these constant methods of habits is that by which she always interposes a period of rest, pause, sleep or recuperation between the end of one period of activity and the beginning of another.

What does God say about the second death?

The second soul sleep is preceded by a transition state of gradually declining activity and consciousness and a corresponding desire for rest on the part of the soul. The natural processes on the Astral, nearing their close, the soul begins to experience a feeling of lassitude and weariness and instinctively longs for rest and repose. Like the weary traveler who has climbed the mountain paths and delighted in the experiences of the journey, the soul feels that it has well earned a restful repose and looks forward to the same with longing and desire. Just as the child or the adult receives the energy necessary for the work of the new day, when it is wrapped in sleep at the close of the old day, so does the sleeping soul receive energy from the One Supply, that it may face the new life with vigour and power.

What does God say about the second death?

What does God say about the second death?

Each soul goes to where it belongs by reason of what it is.

It is not subject to the arbitrary dictates of any being in heaven or on earth, but the absolutely just and equitable law of Karma operates in every case. There is no favouritism, nor is there the slightest chance of even the faintest injustice being the fate of any soul, no matter how humble or lowly it may be. The lowest, as well as the highest, comes under the same law, for all are children of the same parent-all little children in the kindergarten of the Absolute. All are on the Path, whether they know it or not, and their ignorance is not counted against them in the reckoning.

What does God say about the second death?


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