It's always gladdened my heart to see men securing their homes instead of giving up. I don't support infidelity in marriages but finding solutions is very crucial, especially when a cheating wife remains responsible and not repeating such mistake
If you suspect your wife is cheating, you can try these steps:
Confront her calmly: Ask her why she cheated and who it was, but don't attack her. Let her explain and give her a chance to be honest.
Take care of yourself: Infidelity can be emotionally and physically taxing. Accept your feelings, don't seek revenge, and try to take care of yourself.
Don't make rash decisions: Give each other space and take your time. If you think you might hurt yourself or someone else, seek help from a medical professional.
Seek support: Talk to a therapist or surround yourself with loved ones.
Protect yourself: Be mindful of your social media activities.
Gather evidence: You can hire a private investigator or gather proof.
Handling or Dealing with a cheating wife may be one of the hardest things you ever have to do. There's no right answer when it comes to deciding whether or not you want to make things work. All you can do is communicate with your wife, as earlier stated, listen to yourself, and decide whether or not your relationship or marriage is worth saving. If you do decide you want to make things work, then you have to take things one day at a time while remembering to take care of yourself which is very important because of your mental health.
My dearest responsible men!! Know what to avoid when you find yourself in such situation
Step 1. Don't blame yourself.
Your wife's reasons for cheating may not always be obvious, and you may feel that the natural thing to do is to blame yourself. Maybe you think you've grown distant, or that you haven't been very forthcoming in the bedroom. Maybe you've let work overwhelm you and haven't made enough time for the marriage. However, these may be reasons that your marriage needs some more work, but you need to know that nothing you do can ever cause your wife to cheat, and you shouldn't ever blame yourself for your wife's mistakes.
Sure, you may be at fault for a certain problem in the marriage, and it's important to acknowledge that. However, you should never, ever think that some mistake on your part makes your wife cheating okay.
If you focus too much on blaming yourself, then that will be letting your wife off the hook. It's important for you to focus on your wife's s behavior, too. Whether she's remorseful or not.
Step 2 Don't obsess over the third party.
If you want to drive yourself crazy as quickly as possible, then you can ask a million questions about the other man or woman, spend hours stalking that person's Facebook profile, or even try to catch a glimpse of this person in person. You may think that knowing everything about this person can help you figure out what was wrong with your marriage but in reality, this won't give you any more answers, though it will cause you plenty of pain.
When your wife is having an affair, it's rarely about the third person. Most of the time, it's really an expression of the cheater's dissatisfaction with herself or the marriage. If you focus too much on the other man then you won't be thinking about your wife or the marriage.
Though knowing some things about the affair can bring you comfort, you may not want to know too much about what the other person looks like, what he does for a living, or any other details that are likely to distract you or to make you feel bad about yourself. It's just not worth it because of your mental health.
3.Don't try to rationalize it. Though you may think that you'll be able to move forward if you can just find a logical explanation for why the cheating happened. Uhmm!! It is not advisable.
4.Don't tell the whole world. You may feel incredibly hurt and incredibly angry, and may have the urge to tell all of your family members, your closest friends, or even to post about it on social media to really get your feelings out. However, if there is a chance you want to reconcile and make things work, then you'll have to deal with people looking at your wife and your marriage differently for the rest of your lives. Instead of telling everyone you know, tell only the people close to you who you think can really help you think this through.
5.Don't obsess over what your friends and family will think. Along with keeping what happened to yourself, you shouldn't worry about what those who know about the affair think. Though the people close to you can give you useful advice, in the end, it's all about what's best for you. You shouldn't ask yourself what everyone will think if you decide to leave or to stay in the marriage. Always remember, the ball is in your Court.
Don't take major steps before reflecting. Though you may think that you want to pack up your things or kick your wife out of the house the second you find out about the cheating, you need to take more time to think this through. You can certainly spend some time away from your wife but avoid saying you want a divorce or taking any drastic measures right away. Give yourself time to reflect about what happened and what's best for you and your marriage instead of doing something you may regret later.
Don't punish your wife. Though it may feel good to be cruel to your wife, to take away the things that they love, or even to have your own affair in return, this kind of behavior won't get you very far and it won't help you move your relationship forward. Though you can be hurt, cold to your wife, and keep your distance for a while, you shouldn't actively make a point of making her feel worse, or you both will end up feeling terrible.
Punishing your wife will only fill you with more bitterness and will make your marriage feel even worse. It's okay to take some time apart and to be colder and more distant than normal but being actively cruel won't make anything better.
Things to do
Make your demands
Give it time
Let your feelings out
Ask the questions you want the answer to
Get medical testing
Listen to your wife
Improve your communication everyday
Decide if you want to try to fix it
Rebuilding your marriage
i. Do what is best for you
ii. Make a choice to forgive
iii. Spend time together, without bringing up the affair
iv. Take care of yourself
v. Seek counselling
vi. Reassure your children
vii. Know when it's over.
Do not forget to take good care of yourself and know when it's over.