10 biggest animals in the world

10 biggest animals in the world

The biggest animals in the world are unique creatures that are beautiful and fun to watch. These animals are found in different parts of the world but are endangered because of environmental destruction and hunting. Based on the list by GeeksforGeeks, here are the largest animals:

1. Blue Whale

The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in oceans but is more common in the cold waters of the Antarctic and the Arctic. Despite its gigantic weight-about 200 tons - Blue Whales feed on shrimp-like animals called krill. They can grow up to 30 metres in length.

10 biggest animals in the world

2. Whale Shark

Whale Sharks are among the biggest animals in the world, weighing up to 9000 kg. They have a wide mouth about 1.2 meters long, a broad flat head, small eyes, and white spots on their bodies. They feed mainly on small fish, plankton, and macroalgae.

3. African Elephant

The African Elephants are the biggest animals in Africa. This animal is unique for its large ears, thick skin, and long trunks. They are mostly found in sub-Saharan Africa's forests, grasslands, and savannas. African elephants are herbivores; they consume fruit, leaves, plants, and grasses. They weigh between 3,000 kg and 6,000kg.

10 biggest animals in the world

4. Giraffe

Giraffes are large mammals native to Africa. Their long neck is a unique feature that sets them apart. They are the tallest animals in the world; the males are about 20 feet tall, while the females are 15 feet. Giraffes use their neck to get food and also fight when mating.

10 biggest animals in the world

5. Hippopotamus

Hippopotamuses are aquatic animals that usually dwell in lakes, rivers, and swamps. They have gigantic heads and point teeth. Hippos are about 4 metres in length, and they weigh about 1,500 kg. They can be very violent sometimes to protect their territory.

10 biggest animals in the world

6. Saltwater Crocodile

Saltwater crocodiles live in saltwater environments like mangroves, lagoons, and estuaries. They can grow to a length of up to 6 meters and weigh around 1,000 kg. As a reptile, they have the strongest jaws, largest head, thick skin, and tail.

10 biggest animals in the world

7. Polar Bears

Polar Bears are big animals that  are mostly found in arctic regions. They can weigh up to 600 kg and be 2.5 meters long. Their thick fur helps in keeping them warm in harsh weather. Polar Bears also swim long distances in the ocean.

Biggest animals in the world

8. Ostrich

What makes ostriches different from other birds is that they cannot fly. Other features are a small head, spherical body, long neck and legs. They weigh between 100-150 kg and can run up to 45 miles in an hour.

10 biggest animals in the world

9. Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bears are also called North American brown bears or silvertip bears. They are big animals that weigh up to 600 kg and can grow up to 2.5 metres long. Their long claws, shoulders, and colours which could be dark brown or black, distinguish them.

Biggest animals in the world

10. Giant Squid

Giant Squid is a large invertebrate animal that measures up to 13 metres in length and weighs about 500kg. They have long cylindrical bodies with big eyes, eight arms, and long tentacles

Giant squids are deep sea creatures found in about 100 to 3,000 metres.

Biggest animals in the world


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