In a tragic turn of events, a 30-year-old Arsenal supporter named John Ssenyonga lost his life after being shot by a security guard during post-match celebrations in Uganda. The incident occurred at a restaurant in Lukaya town, located roughly 100 kilometers from Kampala, following Arsenal's impressive 2-0 victory over Manchester United on Saturday.
According to Daily post, the match, which featured goals from Jurien Timber and William Saliba, ignited excitement and jubilation among the gathered fans at the restaurant. However, the celebratory atmosphere shifted dramatically when the restaurant manager, frustrated with the escalating noise, ordered the security guard to take action. When fans disregarded warnings to lower their volume, reports suggest the manager then cut off the building's power supply.
As tensions mounted, the security guard resorted to gunfire, tragically striking Ssenyonga, who died at the scene. Another supporter, Lawrence Mugejera, was injured in the incident and is currently hospitalized for treatment.
Twaha Kasirye, the spokesperson for the regional police, confirmed the details of the incident and expressed outrage over the violence. "We strongly condemn this incident and call upon anyone with information that could assist in bringing the suspect to justice to step forward," he stated in a media briefing. Kasirye also urged football fans to celebrate their victories in a responsible manner to prevent similar occurrences in the future.
This incident marks the second fatality linked to Arsenal fan festivities in Uganda within a few months. In October, a 22-year-old named Benjamin Okello was tragically killed after a dispute arose over Arsenal's 2-2 draw against Liverpool in Kyobugombe Trading Centre. The series of events highlights the pressing need for safe and respectful celebrations among sports fans.