31 Inappropriate but Very Funny Photos That Only Bad People Will Laugh At

Truly pious people - those who will go to heaven where it'll never rain, and they'll get to eat delicious calorie-free chocolate waffles for eternity - would NEVER laugh at an unfortunate or inappropriate photo.

31 Inappropriate but Very Funny Photos That Only Bad People Will Laugh At

People who WOULD laugh at something like that will NOT be going to heaven, thank you very much. They will be going to H-E double hockey sticks. But - sigh - if you're a heathen who likes that sort of thing, well, I guess you will be pretty amused by:

1. This Elemental character - perhaps in need of a shot of penicillin - who looks like her crotch is on fire:

31 Inappropriate but Very Funny Photos That Only Bad People Will Laugh At

(I know, I know...those are supposed be her hands, LOL.)

2. This German exchange student who - not knowing English - showed up to his first day at an American school wearing a "Suck my d--k" T-shirt:

A shirt that says "suck my dick"

3. And Prince Charles, who went out with his jacket buttoned like this the first day without his mom:

Charles' suit jacket has the top button from one side connected to the bottom hole on the other side, making his jacket look weird and lopsided while at a funeral

4. This person who thought they'd found the perfect apartment to rent...until they saw this across the hall:

The welcome mat reads "cum inside" with cum spelled c-u-m

5. This email a teacher had to send home:

A teacher's email to a parent says the parent's child was given detention for giving himself the name "mass debater"

6. And this cat who sneezed into a bowl of flour and was NOT happy about it:

A cat with flour on its face

7. This city dweller who really, REALLY wanted to celebrate the start of summer...despite not living anywhere near a beach:

A person sunbathing on a sidewalk

8. This "house for sale" sign somebody actually had specially made:

The sign reads "house for sale by owner, because my neighbor's a douchebag"

9. This guy who didn't think through his new trucking company's name before ordering a truckload of merch:

The hat reads "triple K trucking"

10. This guy who keeps getting attacked by birds as he mows his lawn, so now mows it with these "protections":

A man carrying a bat while mowing his lawn

11. And this well-intentioned greeting card that only a bad person would laugh at:

The card says "a girlfriend is a sister you choose"

12. This wholesome Christmas decoration of Santa, his elves, and a reindeer...that will only amuse you hell-bound sorts:

A statue of Santa and his elves, where it looks like Santa is having sex with an elf

13. This test for grade schoolers that had, uh, some cringey alternate spellings:

"Which word IS spelled correctly?"

14. And this Nintendo captcha...featuring a guy taking a leak:

A man peeing

15. This children's "Doctor" toy that inexplicably features a couple guns:

A pink gun in a doctor's toy

16. This "rose" pattern bed sheets - likely very expensive, LOL - that look more like a murder scene:

Roses on sheets that look like blood splatter

17. And this person who tried to get their shuttlecock down using their Croc...and got it stuck, too:

A shoe stuck in power lines

18. This "Daddy Long Legs" sticker a little boy put on his dad's brace after his dad lost his foot in a motorcycle accident:

A sticker on someone's brace

19. This dude who went to a new barber and came home with a gigantic 1/2" stripe cut into his head:

The place where this man parts his hair is missing a massive, clearly visible strip that has been cut out

20. And the people who ordered a cake with these instructions...and got THIS cake in return:

The request asks for no writing or design on the cake, just red icing along the sides, with a picture drawn for reference; a direct copy of that picture is drawn on the center of the cake

21. This unfortunate misunderstanding:

A local news report shows a man's headshot with a headline that reads "man says his threat to blow up a bathroom had nothing to do with a bomb"

22. This Australian who hates children and Halloween:

A note taped to a front door reads "this is Australia not America, fuck off with your Halloween shit you little cunts"

23. This gift a teacher received from a young student still learning English:

The tin holding the candle reads "when this candle is lit, give me that dick"

24. And this note a son left for his parents, clarifying his sock was hard because of dried-up rain water "and NOT a cum sock":

A note saying a sock is "NOT! a cum sock"

It reads: "This sock is hard because of dried up rain waters, just to clarify this is NOT! a cum sock."

25. This darkly humorous children's book parody:

31 Inappropriate but Very Funny Photos That Only Bad People Will Laugh At

26. This surprise left in the crawlspace by the old tenant to scare the hell out of the new tenant:

When you open the door to the crawlspace, a mannequin head wearing a wig is staring at you

27. And this person who thought they'd found a great deal online for a refrigerator that would perfectly fit this space, then had this show up:

There is a built-in spot in the kitchen for a fridge, and the one they ordered is tiny and fills half of the space

28. Everything going on here with this angry driver:

A truck is missing its back license plate, but there's a taped sign in its place


29. This tiny, wooden F-word hidden on this elevator:

Someone carved the word fuck out of wood and then stuck it between two bars on the elevator

30. This very interesting eggplant someone grew in their backyard:

An eggplant shaped like a penis

31. And lastly, these poles on a bus (if you see it, you are DEFINITELY going to hell):

One bus pole has two perpendicular poles holding it in place, but the connectors vaguely look like hands, so it looks like two hands giving a handjob


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