17 Cute Ways to Tell a Woman You Love Her

17 Cute Ways to Tell a Woman You Love Her

Love is everything and falling in love gives you clues about what love really is to you. You may hear everywhere in the songs, in the movies, and in the books but you never know what love is and what love is made of until you fall in love with somebody. The feeling you get in your soul when you fall in love is less understandable at the beginning you catch that strange feeling. You don't immediately understand that you fall in love but all you know is that you can't seem to avoid that feeling. When you look into a person and all you see is beauty, you will wish you can be something and someone to that person. You want to be around that person and let them know how you feel.

Every person doesn't fall in love in a similar way. Every person has their own way to fall in love and to express their love. It will be easier for an extrovert person to tell the one he loves that he wants her. For an introvert person, it takes everything in him to admit that he's in love. Anyway, everyone deserves to love and tell the one they love that they love them. If you want to tell a girl that you love her but don't know how to do it, you won't have to worry no more. These are ways to tell a woman you love her that it can inspire you.

1. Play a love song with a guitar

It's a classic, romantic way to express what you feel about a special lady in front of you. If you're kinda shy to speak to her in person but wish that she will know what you feel, playing a love song with guitar is a perfect way you can do. Don't need much money or time, this will flutter her heart and make her feel so precious. Somehow, when words fail, music speaks. Don't wait too long to tell her how much you love her, or you will lose the chance.

2. Read a poem you write yourself

This one method is probably the most romantic thing a guy can do to a woman he adores. When being in love, some people like to pour the emotion they got in their soul by writing love poems. A paper is the only thing that keeps the secret you write on it until someone else know that. Let that girl you love be the one to hear your magic words.

3. Surprise her with a giant teddy bear

Every girl loves getting surprises. It makes them feel so special. If you want to make your girl, feel special, you can give her a surprise of something she loves. Who doesn't love a teddy bear? Especially if it's a 6 feet fluffy giant teddy bear. Just come to her door, hide behind that giant fluffy doll, and get ready to hear her scream happiness.

4. Prank her

This idea can be an option for you who want this moment to be out of ordinary. If you think love is not only about romance and you don't like those common ways to tell her you love her, then you know what to do. Let this special moment be unforgettable by doing something different. The idea is by pretending that you're amnesia and you don't remember who she is. Look what she tries to make you remember her and when she looks like she doesn't want you to forget who she is, you can confess that you've been pranking her. Tell her that you love her and you're happy knowing that she wants to make you remember her.

5. Write a letter

You want to be honest about what you feel toward her, but you don't have the guts to see her face to face. You're too scared to see her reaction after you confess that you love her, so it's better to write her a letter and put it where no one can find it but her, like her locker or her desk. What a cute way to tell a woman you love her!

6. Sing in public

If you're in a high school or a university, this method will probably work better. Singing a romantic song can be the coolest way to tell her you love her. You can do a performance in a school cafeteria or university's stadium where there are many people there. The occasion will be more festive n the middle of the crowds. However, that's the cute ways to tell a woman you love her.

7. Make a billboard ads

This one method is a bit pricey since you have to rent a space in a billboard. You will not just tell her you love her but you also let many people know how much you're willing to do such thing to a girl you love. Make sure that you rent a space on a street that she always passes through.

8. Give her a mixtape

Wondering about your man? Let's find out who he really is.From the newly dating to the happily married, trust issues can creep up on anyone. With cheating cases soaring over 40% in the last two decades, it's natural to have your doubts.

Could he be sending flirty texts to another woman? Or secretly swiping on Tinder? Or even have a hidden criminal past? Or, the worst fear - could he be cheating?

When you want to express your love through songs but you can't sing nor play instruments, you can give her a mix-tape of the songs that represent how you feel about her. Make sure that you choose the right genre that she feels like listening to it. Pick songs which relate to her personally and make her feel like those songs are written and sung for her. Not sure what kind of music she likes? Just scroll through her social media's feed. You can mix them with your favorite songs that you want her to know.

9. Put notes on a book you borrow from her

Borrow her book and put some notes in it. You can write the sweet words she wants to hear on the sticky papers you put somewhere on the pages. Don't forget to give the directions to turn to the next pages and an opening page on the cover to start. If you want to tell her you love her but don't want anyone else to know, you should give this a try.

10. Express your love through photographs

For you who have a passion for photography, it's the best to use photographs to express your love toward a person. You can collect many candid pictures of her. Put those photograph prints into a journal and write messages in some parts. Let her wander to your perspective of her. Realizing how much you've been paying attention to her will hopefully make her understand that you love her.

11. Do a flashmob

You will need many people to do this with you. They will start their job as you take her into the crowd, like in the shopping mall or park. Play her favorite song and those people she thinks are strangers will start dancing. When the song has reached the chorus, you can join the dance. As the song stops, you can give her the flower you've been hiding. This whole thing will make her shocked of how you would do this all for her.

12. Write a note at the top of a mountain

If you love climbing, this won't be a problem for you. Once you reach the top, ask your friend to take a picture of you holding a paper saying that you love her. Upload this picture in your social medias and tag her.

13. Surprise her with a pet

If you know that she loves pets like cats or dogs, let that cutie steal her heart. Adopt a kitten or a puppy and tie them with a baloon with love words. Put the pet in front of her door while you ask her to open the door.

14. Take her to a theme park date

Who doesn't love to go to Disneyland or Universal Studio? Any girl will love to be asked to go on a date in a theme park. Riding a rollercoaster, eating ice cream, playing games, and watch shows are the perfect ways to make her day. When it's time for fireworks or fountain show, tell her you love her.

15. Surprise her with her favorite food

No girl in the world will ignore food. Let say that her favorite food is pizza, try to write an 'I Love You' using ketchup on top of the pizza. She will eat that happily.

16. Take her to her favorite musician concert

Find out about her favorite musician and ask her to come to their gig. Who wants to reject it anyway? It's a powerful way to steal her heart and tell her you love her at the right moment.

17. Take her on a camping trip

If that girl is a kind of girl who loves adventures, taking her on a camping trip shouldn't be a problem. You can show her how much you want to take care of her and protect her even in the hardest time in the dangerous places. The fireside under the starry sky will be the witness of your perfect moment when tell her you love her.

More Ways to Tell You Love Her

These are few things you need to consider before you tell her you love her so you won't make a mess. So, here are more ways to tell a woman you love her:

  1. Don't rush it

  2. Don't chase her too much

  3. Don't force her to accept you

  4. Don't make her feel uncomfortable

  5. Treat her right

  6. Let her know where she's worth

  7. Know your limit

  8. Give her time to think before she answers

  9. Be patient

  10. Respect whatever answers she gives you

Those are ways to tell a woman you love her that you can do when you want that special lady knows how you feel about her. Don't ever give up on your faith. Love is treasure that you should find. When you love someone, you should let them know. You never know if she has the same feeling as you too or not if you never ask her so.

Utilize this instrument for a comprehensive background checkWhether your relationship is in its budding phase or you're in the blissful realm of marriage, escalating infidelity rates (over 40% in the past two decades) warrant your caution.

You may want to ascertain whether he is engaging in secretive text conversations with other women, maintaining active profiles on dating platforms like Tinder, or concealing a criminal history. Or you might be fearing the worst - infidelity.


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