8 types of family members that don't actually want to see you succeed in life

8 types of family members that don't actually want to see you succeed in life

Not everyone in your family may be rooting for your success, no matter how supportive they appear on the surface.

In fact, some family members may subtly undermine your progress, whether it's out of jealousy, insecurity, or a desire to maintain control.

From the passive-aggressive critic to the one who always downplays your achievements, these types of relatives can be more harmful than you think.

Ready to identify the eight family members who might not have your best interests at heart?

Let's uncover the hidden dynamics.

1) The constant naysayers

We all have those family members who seem to have nothing good to say - ever.

These are the relatives who always find a way to rain on your parade, regardless of how much you've achieved or how hard you've worked.

They're the ones who make snide remarks or subtly undermine your accomplishments.

They might mask their negativity as 'realism' or 'just being honest', but don't let it fool you.

Identifying and distancing yourself from these constant naysayers is key in maintaining your self-confidence and drive for success.

And let's be real here, it's not about being disrespectful. It's about protecting your mental space and energy.

After all, it's difficult to climb the ladder of success with someone constantly pulling on your leg.

2) The green-eyed monsters

Ah, envy - a common human emotion that can often rear its ugly head within family dynamics.

I remember my own cousin, we'll call him Dave.

As kids, we were as close as brothers, sharing everything from toys to secrets.

But as we grew older and our paths started to diverge, I noticed a change.

When I started my own business and began seeing some success, Dave's attitude shifted.

His once supportive comments turned into snide remarks about 'luck' and 'favoritism'.

It was clear that he was envious of my achievements.

Envy can make people behave in strange ways.

They may try to downplay your success or even work behind the scenes to sabotage your progress.

It's important to recognize these green-eyed monsters and understand that their negativity is more about them than you.

Don't let their envy hinder your journey towards success. Keep pushing forward and let your accomplishments speak for themselves.

3) The control freaks

Control freaks are those family members who always want to dictate how you should live your life, right down to the smallest detail.

They usually have a very specific idea of what success looks like and expect you to conform to it.

Interestingly, psychologists have found that control issues often stem from deep-seated fears and insecurities.

They fear losing power or being seen as inadequate, so they try to control the people around them to maintain a sense of security.

These individuals can be difficult to deal with because they often believe their way is the only right way.

But remember, your path to success should be defined by you and not dictated by someone else's fears or insecurities.

Stand your ground and make it clear that while you appreciate their concern, you are in control of your own life and choices.

4) The joy stealers

Joy stealers are those family members who, consciously or unconsciously, diminish your happiness when you achieve something.

They could act unimpressed, change the subject, or even bring up unrelated issues to steal your moment of accomplishment.

Their actions can leave you feeling deflated and questioning your achievements.

But remember, your success doesn't depend on their validation.

It's crucial to create boundaries with these joy stealers and understand that their inability to share your happiness says more about them than it does about you.

Your accomplishments are worth celebrating, regardless of how others react.

So don't let the joy stealers dampen your spirit or slow your drive for success.

5) The indifferent ones

Perhaps one of the most heartbreaking types to encounter are the indifferent ones.

These are the family members who show little to no interest in your pursuits or achievements.

In my experience, their indifference can be more hurtful than outright negativity.

It's as if your successes, no matter how big or small, simply don't matter to them.

But remember, you don't need their approval to validate your success.

You're not doing this for them; you're doing it for you.

Always keep in mind that your worth is not defined by their indifference.

Your achievements are significant, and they should be celebrated - with or without their involvement. Your journey towards success is yours to relish, not theirs to ignore.

6) The success belittlers

As someone who has worked tirelessly to build a career, I've come across family members who belittle my achievements, often comparing them unfavorably to others.

For example, when I landed my first major client, an uncle responded with, "Well, it's not like you're the CEO of a Fortune 500 company."

It was disheartening to have my hard-earned success diminished in this way.

These belittlers can make you feel like your accomplishments are never enough.

But it's crucial to remember that success isn't a competition or a comparison game.

Your achievements are valid and worthy of respect, no matter how they measure up to someone else's standards.

Don't let their words shake your confidence or overshadow your accomplishments.

Your success is defined by your efforts and progress, not by their belittling comments.

7) The dream crushers

Dream crushers are those relatives who always have a reason why your plans won't work.

They're quick to highlight the potential pitfalls and downsides, often undermining your confidence before you even get started.

Whether it's starting a new business, pursuing a creative passion, or embarking on a unique career path, they'll question your ability to succeed and plant seeds of doubt in your mind.

Remember, it's your dream, not theirs.

While it's important to consider potential challenges, don't let their pessimism deter you from pursuing your goals.

Stay focused on your vision and surround yourself with people who believe in you and your dreams.

Their faith in you will counteract the negativity of the dream crushers and keep you motivated on your journey to success.

8) The guilt trippers

Guilt trippers are the family members who use your success as a weapon to make you feel guilty.

They may imply that you've changed, become too big for your boots, or forgotten where you came from.

They use guilt as a means to keep you in check, often playing on your emotions to manipulate your actions or decisions.

But here's the thing: success shouldn't be a source of guilt.

You've worked hard for your achievements, and you deserve to enjoy them without feeling guilty.

Remember, it's not your responsibility to manage other people's insecurities or inadequacies.

So don't let the guilt trippers tarnish your success with their manipulative tactics.

Stand tall and be proud of everything you've accomplished.


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