Pastor Daniel Olukoya Reveals What Satan Always Do After You Have Dreamt

Pastor Daniel Olukoya Reveals What Satan Always Do After You Have Dreamt

In a recent video on YouTube, Pastor Daniel Olukoya, the General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM), emphasized the critical role dreams play in spiritual warfare. According to him, the enemy often wages war against believers in their dreams, especially when their destiny is considered a threat. He explained that the land of dreams is just as important as the physical world, with many people being direct products of their dreams.

Olukoya stressed that dreams serve as a gateway for the spirit world to break into people's lives, where both divine revelations and attacks from the enemy occur. "While dreams are a means of revelation, they are not to be ignored or pushed aside," he added. Pastor Olukoya warned that Satan, who can transform into an angel of light, is deeply interested in manipulating dreams to deceive and afflict God's children.

He outlined that the enemy often uses dreams to bring sicknesses, diseases, financial ruin, failure, and even death into the lives of believers. Citing the scripture, "While men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares" (Matthew 13:25), he emphasized the need for spiritual vigilance, especially during sleep.

According to him, "When the enemy considers your destiny as a threat, he will use any method to fight you, including dream battles. When the enemy considers that you're a risky person, the enemy wages war against you using all kinds of methods."

"Like we have been saying in these teachings, the land of dreams is as important as the physical world. Many people are just a product of their dreams. In your dreams, the spirit world breaks into your life."

"While dreams are a means of revelation, they are not to be ignored or pushed aside. Satan is very much interested in influencing our dreams and can transform into an angel of light to deceive. Satan afflicts and attacks people with sicknesses, diseases, bankruptcy, death, failure, and harassment in dreams. While men slept, his enemies came."


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