"Parents Should Fear This for Their Young Men" -Mike Bamiloye Warns Against Marrying the Wrong Woman

'Parents Should Fear This for Their Young Men' -Mike Bamiloye Warns Against Marrying the Wrong Woman

Renowned gospel actor and evangelist, Mike Bamiloye, has shared a powerful message highlighting the dangers young men may face when choosing the wrong partner.

In a recent Facebook post, he urged parents to be deeply concerned about their sons marrying into "the wrong hand," drawing parallels from the biblical story of Samson.

"Ah! I feared this for every young men whom the Lord would use for the salvation and deliverance of the Multitudes. Let every parents fear this for their young men" he said.

Bamiloye reflected on Samson's tragic marriage, which led to his downfall. "The Anointed of the Lord fell into a wrong hand. The Deliverer of Israel missed it at the point of marriage," he said, emphasizing the fear parents should have for their sons.

He pointed out that Samson, destined for greatness, fell in love with a woman from the enemy camp, who ultimately betrayed him. Bamiloye explained that this mistake cost Samson his mission, and he died in disgrace, with his parents retrieving his corpse from the ruins of the Temple of Dagon.

Highlighting the significance of marriage for young men called to deliver multitudes, Bamiloye warned against marrying women who would derail them from their divine purpose. He called on parents to play an active role in guiding their sons' marital choices, just as Abraham carefully selected a wife for Isaac, ensuring the continuity of God's covenant.

Bamiloye also referenced The Great Mistake, a 1995 Mount Zion film that illustrated the consequences of mis-marrying, instilling fear in many young men who watched it. He concluded with a fervent prayer, asking that young men with destinies tied to the salvation of nations avoid the fate of Samson.

"May all Godly parents rise up and supervise the woman their sons would marry," he urged, stressing the importance of ensuring that their children's marital choices align with God's purpose.

'Parents Should Fear This for Their Young Men' -Mike Bamiloye Warns Against Marrying the Wrong Woman


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