Couple dragged off flight for performing sex act minutes after take-off

Couple dragged off flight for performing s3x act minutes after take-off

A couple caught red-handed performing a sex act just minutes after a take-off on an EasyJet flight from Tenerife, Spain have been charged with public indecency.

Bradley Smith, 22 and Antonia Sullivan, 20, of Rhondda Cynon Taf, Wales were hauled off the plane by police after passengers noticed them getting naughty just minutes after takeoff.

As the plane set off towards Bristol, UK, Smith, who reportedly has no job, could be heard telling his girlfriend to 'w**k me off' before she covered his lap with several coats.

The Sun reports that  their s3x act was spotted by three disgusted passengers- including the person sitting next to them, who reported their 'vigorous hand movements' to the in-flight crew.

Other witnesses included a mother and her teenage daughter, who reportedly saw Smith's private part as the act took place.

Sullivan claimed she was merely 'rubbing' her boyfriend's leg, but authorities didn't believe their side of the story and dragged them off the plane and were charged to court

During a hearing at Bristol magistrates court today, the pair were charged with public indecency and pleaded guilty.

Judge Lynne Matthews said: 'You had no regard for the feelings of other passengers.

'There was a child sitting behind you who was able to see what was happening.'Who do you think you are and what right do you think entitled you to behave in that way in full view of people on that flight?'

Smith was given a 300-hour community work order, while Sullivan received 270 hours.They were also ordered to pay £100 compensation to each of three witnesses.

An easyJet spokeswoman said: 'We can confirm that this flight to Bristol was met by police on arrival, due to the behaviour of two passengers onboard.'


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