TODAY IN HISTORY: Nigeria Launches Its First Satellite

On September 27, 2003, Nigeria launched its first satellite, called 'NigeriaSat-1 worth $13 million. The satellite was launched aboard a Russian Kosmos-3M rocket from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Russia. NigeriaSat-1 was part of the Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC) and was designed for environmental and disaster monitoring to help with agricultural planning, desertification, and flood management.

RAL Space Nigeria Sat-1

Built by Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) in the United Kingdom, NigeriaSat-1 had a five-year lifespan but remained functional until 2011. This launch marked Nigeria's entry into space technology and symbolised its growing ambitions in science and technology.

NigeriaSAT -1 - National Space Research & Development Agency

NigeriaSat-1 was later followed by other Nigerian satellites, such as NigeriaSat-2 and NigeriaSat-X. All these further expanded Nigeria's interest and presence in space.

Other key events on this day

1. Taliban took over Kabul and established Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan - 1996

2. Black leaders protested discrimination in the U.S. Armed Forces - 1940

3. Warsaw Poland, surrendered to Germans after 19 days of resistance - 1939

4. U.S. recognised Nationalist Chinese government - 1928

5. John Adams negotiated Revolutionary War peace terms with Britain - 1779

6. Prophet Muhammad completed his Hegira, or "flight," from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution - 622

7. US President, Franklin Roosevelt appealed to Adolf Hitler for peace - 1938

8. The Axis powers were formed as Germany, Italy and Japan became allies with the signing of the Tripartite Pact in Berlin - 1940

9. Constantine I of Greece abdicated in favour of his son, George II, after a military revolt - 1922

10. American rapper, Lil Wayne was born - 1982

11. Earthquake in the Gulf of Chihli near China, reportedly killed 100,000 people - 1290

12. Canadian sprinter, Ben Johnson was disqualified from the Seoul Olympics - 1988

13. Gunmen hijacked a school bus in Abia, kidnapped 15 schoolchildren, and demanded a $130,000 ransom - 2010.


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