7 countries with the sexiest accents in the world

Sexiest accents in the country [instagram/lucienlaviscout]

There are different ways people speak English based on their country of origin - the way people from a particular country speak is known as an accent.

CNN conducted a poll on the world's sexiest accents and Lingopie, a language blog, also compiled a list of accents have dubbed sexy

Here's what they found:

1. British accent

The British accent, especially Received Pronunciation (RP), is one of the sexiest accents in the world. It's often associated with London and southern England.

There are other British accents, like Cockney from East London and the more posh accents from Oxford and Cambridge.

The British accent is often seen as smart and sophisticated because of its history and portrayal in movies and shows.

2. French accent

The French accent is among the most romantic in the world. It is distinguished by nasal sounds, musical intonation, and flowing word connections.

French is a romantic language with softly spoken consonants and a sweet melody. Although the Parisian French accent is the most well-known, regional accents from Provence, Brittany, and Normandy are as appealing.

3. Italian Accent

The Italian accent is known for its musical sound, rhythm, and open vowels. Italians are also known to roll their 'r's.

Although northern Italians speak faster and sharper, southern Italians speak slower and more like singing. When they speak English, they are very expressive, making it interesting to listen to them.

4. Australian accent

The Australian accent is attractive due to its relaxed and chirpy sound. They are known for combining vowel sounds and unique words.

There are different types of Australian accents, including the fancy Melbourne accent and the rough Outback accent.

5. Spanish accent

The Spanish accent is known for its musical rhythm and beautiful sounds. It's also very passionate and energetic, with clear and distinct vowel sounds. Many people think it's one of the most attractive accents in the world.

Each region in Spain and Latin America has different characteristics, ranging from Andalusian in southern Spain to Mexican and Argentine varieties.

6. Nigerian accent

According to CNN, the Nigerian accent is one of the sexiest in the world. It was described as the "hint of wilful naiveté, the deep, rich "oh's" and "eh's" of Naija Bend."

The Nigerian accent is clear, easy to understand, and quite witty. The Nigerian accent is influenced by a person's local tribe and region since the country is very diverse.

7. The Irish accent

The Irish accent is melodious and sounds like a sing-song, with a distinct rhythm and intonation that varies by area. There is a certain charm and mystery to this accent, though many will argue that it's hard to understand.


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