The Dark Side of Hair Cycling: Why Experts Recommend Avoiding It

The Dark Side of Hair Cycling: Why Experts Recommend Avoiding It

Haircare trends come and go, but one trend that has been gaining popularity is 'hair cycling'. This trend involves rotating different hair care products on a scheduled basis in the hopes of achieving healthier and revitalized locks. While it may seem like a novel approach to haircare, experts are cautioning against it.

The Risks of Hair Cycling

Eva Proudman, resident Trichologist at Absolute Collagen, explains that the constant switching of hair products can lead to product buildup on the hair, preventing proper moisture absorption. This buildup can also disrupt the scalp, leading to issues such as dryness, oiliness, or irritation. Additionally, using multiple products in a week can make it difficult to pinpoint which product is causing adverse effects.

Finding the Right Routine

Instead of hopping on the hair cycling bandwagon, Eva recommends finding high-quality products that work for your hair and scalp needs. By using a few key products consistently, you reduce the risk of damage and irritation. Quality shampoos and conditioners made with nourishing ingredients can support hair and scalp health, leading to long-term benefits.

If you're looking for more tailored haircare advice, consider creating a personalized routine that addresses your specific needs. Experimenting with numerous products may seem enticing, but sticking to a reliable routine designed for your hair type and goals is often the key to healthy locks.

In conclusion, while hair cycling may promise luscious locks, experts advise against this trend due to its potential risks. By opting for quality over quantity and focusing on a consistent routine, you can achieve beautiful and healthy hair without the negative effects associated with frequent product changes.


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