Foods to eat to gain weight healthily

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Foods to eat to gain weight healthily

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Rice is also a good source of carbs which can help one gain weight safely.  Image: Pexels

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potatoes Carbs and vitamins in potatoes are good for weight management and can help the underweight group of people gain some kilos.  Image: Pexels

cashews As healthy as cashews are, these are can lead to weight gain if eaten in excess. Image: Pexels

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Milk is a source of vitamins, minerals and calcium. And if combined with honey, it can help one gain weight safely.  Image: Pexels

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red meat Red meat is high in calories and sometimes even saturated fats which, in the right portions, can help with weight management.  Image: Pexels

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eggs Many believe that eating eggs is only a way to lose weight, However, the yolk of eggs, which is pure fat and cholesterol, can also help with weight gain. Image: Pexels


Oats, served with milk, can also help you with healthy weight gain. Image: Pexels

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