5 qualities that can make your students love and respect you as a teacher.

Every good and reasonable teacher wants to earn the love and respect of all or most of the students or pupils in the school. Most times, this is a very difficult task as it is sometimes difficult to get most of the students to like you. Truth is, this comes with great sacrifices and rewards too. Because you stand to get many benefits from both the students and their parents as well. Teachers who are loved by many students, are mostimes envied by their fellow teachers because they are not only loved, but they command and influence the lives of these students.

5 qualities that can make your students love and respect you as a teacher.

If you are a teacher who wants to earn the love and respect of your students, then this article is for you. Also these qualities that I'm about to write down in this article is also applicable to the church, as the children teacher, teen or youth teacher here are some qualities that can help you gain the love and respect of your students.

5 qualities that can make your students love and respect you as a teacher.

1. Be a democratic and diplomatic teacher. Buy in to their own point of view. When a student irrespective of the age gives a nice suggestion, and after proper analysis, is found good, try as much as possible to go with the idea. This will make them feel comfortable around you knowing that you value and respect them just as the do to you. Everyone wants to be respected and respect they say, is reciprocal. When you respect a student in a way of being diplomatic, you will surely earn his or her respect in return. Also allow them air their views In any situation. Give them the room to speak to you at all times and also be a good listener. Avoid being autocratic. Make laws with their consent and if any one falls short, allow them to decide the culprit's fate to an extent.

2. Be fair to all.

Avoid preference. Do not love or value a student above the others. Be supportive and encourage everyone to do well. Give everyone a fair chance at approaching you. Do not be discriminate, no matter a child's weakness, always encourage them making them know that they can do much more than they think they could. And when a child goes wrong, discipline him but as soon as that is done try to forget the wrongdoing of that student.

3. Be versatile and flexible.

Be a new teacher to your students in ways of teaching and handling them. Do not be rigid. Look for teaching methods that work and work with them. Try to be known for something good among the students. Also be disciplined and all good morals as these students take note of that. Avoid be harsh it will make them hate you.

4 . Try as much a possible to take care of both their physical and emotional needs.

Make them feel at home around you this will help them open up to you at all times. A student may be going through a hard time at home or may be hungry, if he sees you as someone who cares he will have the courage to approach you for assistance. And if that happens try as much as possible to help in any way you can.

5. Have good communication skills.

Know to communicate with your students especially during lessons. Your ability to help a student understand a given topic or subject goes a long way in making that student like you as well. It is difficult to like a subject without liking the teacher. Also have good humor. Everybody likes people who make them laugh. Lighten up day with jokes, you may not know how far you have gone in brightening a student's day.


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