Five signs you are moving too fast in a relationship

Five signs you are moving too fast in a relationship

Moving too fast is rarely a good way to start a relationship, but with the sparks of the early stage of romance, it is easy to miss the fact that you are leaping into things.

It is normal to get all loved up and gooey during the honeymoon phase, but if you get caught up in that, you can end up rushing into a relationship built on giggles and sex, without much substance.

Here are five signs you are moving too fast.

You jump right into meeting friends and family

It is definitely important that your partner gets along with your friends and family and vice versa but If it is just a week in, and all of a sudden you are inviting each other to family gatherings, it is a red flag.

You started living together before the one-year mark

Moving in together is a huge deal, providing a year gap before doing so signifies and shows respect in the relationship.

There is no insurance policy to relationships, disciplining yourself before moving in makes you more certain and gives you steadier footing.

It doesn't mean that you'll be together forever, but it is a better way to set yourself up for that possibility.

Marriage talk

Talking about marriage already? That's a big no-no in the early stages. Maybe you should start limiting contact until you have gotten to know each other a bit better.

Pet names

You know things are moving too fast when the pet names are starting to make an appearance. A week into knowing each other and you are already being called 'baby', 'darling'? That's a sign that you need to slow things down.


If you've only just met, but the BF or GF introduction is already being used, you might want to slow pedal.


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