The World's 5 Most Expensive Fruits

The World's 5 Most Expensive Fruits

Have you ever wondered why some fruits seem to be sprinkled with gold dust, given their hefty price tags?

While most of us reach for an apple or a banana without a second thought, there are fruits out there that are so rare and exquisitely tasty, that they command prices you'd normally reserve for a small car!

From the meticulously cared-for orchards of Japan to the historic gardens of England, let's take a look at some luxurious fruits. These are not just any fruits, they carry opulence and exclusivity, often purchased by connoisseurs and collectors who appreciate their unique flavors and stories.

Here's a look at the top five most expensive fruits in the world, as rated by Jagran, and what makes them worth their astonishing price tags.

Yubari King Melon

Imagine a fruit so cherished that it's sold at prices that rival the cost of a brand-new car! The Yubari King melon from Japan holds the crown as the most expensive fruit in the world. A pair of these golden-yellow beauties once fetched up to $30,000 at auction. What drives their price so high?

It's all about their perfect balance of sweetness and their juicy, tender flesh, cultivated with precision and care in limited quantities. These melons are more than just food; they're a luxury item, akin to a fine art piece, making them a prized possession at exclusive auctions.

Ruby Roman Grapes

Next on our list are the Ruby Roman grapes, another luxurious offering from Japan. Known for their jumbo size and perfect spherical shape, these grapes look like little rubies on a vine. A single bunch can sell for as much as $8,400. But why are they so pricey?

Their cultivation involves stringent quality controls to ensure each grape is flawless, and their availability is limited, making them a rare treat that's highly sought after during their brief seasonal appearance.

Densuke Watermelon

The Densuke Watermelon is not your ordinary picnic fruit. Exclusive to Japan's Hokkaido region, this watermelon is as rare as it is striking with its unique black rind and sweet, crisp flesh. Fetching up to $6,100 each, these melons are a status symbol at Japanese fruit auctions.

Their rarity and the meticulous attention to detail in their farming process make each Densuke watermelon a luxury item, enjoyed by those who can appreciate its exceptional taste and texture.

Taiyo no Tamago Mangoes

The "Egg of the Sun" or Taiyo no Tamago mangoes are a true gem from Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. These mangoes are famous for their radiant red skin, perfect shape, and deep, luscious sweetness. Priced at $3,744 for a pair, these mangoes meet rigorous standards for weight, sugar content, and appearance before they make it to the market.

They represent the pinnacle of perfection in mango cultivation, offering a taste that's as close to paradise as one can get.

Heligan Pineapple

Rounding out our list is the Heligan Pineapple, grown in the Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall, England. Unlike its tropical cousins, this pineapple is cultivated using Victorian-era techniques that involve tending them in special pits heated with rotting manure. This labor-intensive process makes each pineapple exceedingly rare and precious, with past sales reaching up to $1,500.


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