Donald Trump Fears Only One Person, As Once Claimed By Kellyanne Conway

Donald Trump Fears Only One Person, As Once Claimed By Kellyanne Conway

Former President Donald Trump, who is famous for his bold statements despite gag orders, seems to fear only one person- his wife, Melania Trump. This unexpected detail came from Kellyanne Conway, who used to be Donald's senior counselor at the White House. Conway made the revelation in her testimony to the House Select Committee looking into the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot. The transcript of her interview was released on January 2, 2023, shedding light on the dynamics within the Trump household.

Cover Image Source: Getty Images - Photo by Michael B. Thomas

In her testimony, Conway recounted her actions on January 6. She shared, "I texted her, please - something to the effect of, you know, please talk to him, because I know he listens to her." Explaining the request, Conway further claimed, "He listens to many of us, but he reserves fear for one person, Melania Trump," as per HuffPost. The statement hinted that even though Donald shows a lot of confidence in public, he might actually be more affected by his wife's influence than we might have guessed.

Conway's attempt to reach Melania on that fateful day was however unsuccessful. She told the committee, "She didn't have her phone." She alleged that the First Lady was busy "cataloging items in the East Wing" and "preparing for the end of term." Melania's activities on January 6 have been a subject of much controversy. In a July 2022 Fox News interview, she claimed ignorance of the Capitol breach, stating, "On January 6, 2021, I was fulfilling one of my duties as First Lady of the United States of America, and accordingly, I was unaware of what was simultaneously transpiring at the US Capitol Building."

She stressed, "As with all First Ladies who preceded me, it was my obligation to record the contents of the White House's historic rooms, including taking archival photographs of all the renovations. Several months in advance, I organized a qualified team of photographers, archivists, and designers to work with me in the White House to ensure perfect execution...As required, we scheduled January 6, 2021, to complete the work on behalf of our Nation."

To prove otherwise, former Trump aide, Stephanie Grisham- who has made several controversial revelations about the former Slovenian model- released her texts with Melania that evidenced that she knew what was happening. Grisham shared a screenshot of a conversation where she asked Melania if she wanted to tweet something condemning the violence. Melania's reply was a blunt "No."

During her interview, Conway told the panel, "I'm offended that nobody ran in there to tell the First Lady of the United States that, I mean, she and her teenage son may be, I don't know, at risk." The testimony also talked about how Donald reacted to losing the election. Conway discussed a short conversation with Donald on November 4, 2020, which was the day after Election Day. She claimed that the Republican leader could not believe he was losing "to a guy who didn't even come out of his basement and who all the Democrats didn't even want."


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