Mechanic's wife, who abandoned him with 7-month-old baby, returns after he went viral

Mechanic's wife, who abandoned him with 7-month-old baby, returns after he went viral

The wife of a mechanic based in Calabar, whose story went viral for single-handedly caring for their 7-month-old baby at his workshop, has returned after leaving him.

James, who garnered widespread attention for his unwavering dedication to his 7-month-old daughter, Blessing, received an outpouring of support from compassionate Nigerians.

Initially, James had shared his heartfelt story, explaining that his wife had left due to mental health challenges, leaving him to care for their infant daughter alone.

Mechanic's wife, who abandoned him with 7-month-old baby, returns after he went viral

Moved by his plight, concerned individuals rallied to provide financial assistance, donating a total of N285,000 to support James and his little daughter, Blessing.

Cornelius Ellah, Head of the Department of Mass Communication at the University of Cross River State, played a pivotal role in sharing updates about James' situation on social media.

Recently, Cornelius Ellah reported that James' wife had been safely brought back from Akwa Ibom to Calabar, facilitated by her uncle who responded to the public appeal.

The post read:

"I received a phone call today that gave me immeasurable gladness.
The call was from James Emina, the young man that usually takes Blessing, his 7 months old daughter to a Mechanic Workshop, his place of work.
He called to inform me that Blessing's mom is back.
She left him and Blessing when Blessing was 5 months old.
Those who have been following my posts on him and Blessing already know that she is mentally challenged, according to him.
Well, I quickly drove to see her, as soon as I got informed that she is back.
This picture shows her with Blessing and James, when I met them.
According to James, her Uncle made arrangements for her return after he heard about my Facebook post on matters arising from her unusual separation from Blessing.
Someone brought her safely to Calabar last night.
Although she didn't say much when I interacted with her this afternoon, she seemed calm and sounded coherent.
James informed me that what I saw as calmness and coherence is temporary.
He stated that she is still "mentally challenged".
I reminded him to take her to the Psychiatric hospital, now that she is with him.
He has promised to do so.
I am glad that Blessing has seen her mom and may keep seeing her.
Hopefully, she will soon start getting motherly attention and love.
Hopefully too, her mom would soon start getting proper medical attention.
In addition, James Emina may soon start going to his place of work without taking Blessing along with him.
I feel good about this development.
I will feel much better if my hopes for Blessing get realized and if she lives to become a blessing that her name proclaims.
Once again, I thank all those who have contributed to her upkeep and others who have been praying for her.
May God bless them abundantly.
Indeed, "we are mere instruments in God's hands".

See below;

Mechanic's wife, who abandoned him with 7-month-old baby, returns after he went viral


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