Euro 2024: Two Spanish Referees Sent Home

In a surprising move, UEFA has sent two Spanish referees home from Euro 2024 following complaints about their officiating in recent matches. Alejandro Hernandez and Jesus Gil Manzano have been removed from the tournament and will not participate in the knockout stages.

Euro 2024: Two Spanish Referees Sent Home

Hernandez, who served as the VAR official in Scotland's 1-0 defeat to Hungary, ignored a penalty claim by Scotland, sparking controversy and outrage. Manzano, on the other hand, was criticized for his error in France's 1-0 win over Austria.

UEFA's decision to send the referees home is a clear indication that the organization takes officiating mistakes seriously and is willing to take action to ensure fair play. The move also highlights the pressure and scrutiny that referees face in high-stakes tournaments like Euro 2024.

Manzano's two assistants, Diego Barbero and Angel Nevado, have also been sent home, leaving Martinez Munuera, a VAR official, as the only Spanish representative remaining at the tournament.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of accurate officiating in football and the need for referees to make correct decisions in high-pressure situations. As the tournament progresses, teams and fans alike will be watching closely to see if UEFA's move has a positive impact on the fairness and quality of the matches.

The decision to send the referees home has been met with mixed reactions, with some praising UEFA's commitment to fair play and others expressing concern about the impact on the tournament. Regardless, it is clear that UEFA is taking a strong stance on officiating mistakes and is committed to ensuring that Euro 2024 is a success.


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