Notorious Jailbreaker Caught Again

Notorious Jailbreaker Caught Again

Temitope Omotuyi, aka Tope Jinadu, a notorious jailbreaker, has been apprehended by the Ekiti State Police Command. Omotuyi was previously arrested in 2012 for conspiracy and armed robbery and had escaped from prison after colluding with gang members to break the correctional centre gate, freeing 220 inmates.

After fleeing to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Omotuyi was involved in a murder case, arrested, and imprisoned for six years before being repatriated to Nigeria. Investigation revealed that he has robbed many innocent citizens in Ado-Ekiti, alongside other gang members still at large.

The police have described Omotuyi as a "notorious and dangerous criminal" who has been on their wanted list for years. His arrest is seen as a major breakthrough in the fight against crime in Ekiti State.

According to the police, Omotuyi's crimes have caused immense suffering to many families, and his arrest will bring relief to the victims and their loved ones. The police have also commended the public for their support and cooperation in apprehending Omotuyi, and have urged anyone with information about his gang members to come forward.

The arrest of Omotuyi is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the police in Ekiti State, and a warning to criminals that they will not be tolerated in the state. The police have vowed to continue to work tirelessly to ensure that justice is served and that the people of Ekiti State can live in peace and security.


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