Nwanosike, others may have just made inflammatory statements about not leaving office - Gogo-Jaja

A former leader of the Rivers State House of Assembly, Tamunosisi Gogo-Jaja, has, during an interview on Politics Today, a Channels Television Programme, insisted that the Local Government Chairmen in Rivers State do not have plans to resume their duties on Wednesday because their tenures have expired.

He added that the Chairman of Ikwerre Local Government, Nwanosike Samuel, who had insisted that he would not leave office, does not mean what he said; after he described the statement as inflammatory.

Nwanosike, others may have just made inflammatory statements about not leaving office - Gogo-Jaja

The Rivers bigwig had said, "By my assessment, everything is under control. And I can assure you yes, there were inflammatory statements that were made by some Council Chairmen, and you will agree with me that all of them swore to an oath for a three-year term, and that three-year term will expire by midnight today; you don't need to - sometimes, we escalate, social media escalates some of these issues. Nwanosike knows that by 12 midnight today, his tenure will expire, just like every other Council Chairmen knows that by midnight today... Some of them, maybe some Media Houses won't relate this to the public, some of them had Thanksgiving and Validatory sessions as at yesterday."


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