Top 5 cleanest cities in Africa

Cape Town, South Africa [Tripsavvy]

When it comes to cleanliness, these cities take the lead.

When many people think of Africa, they think of dirt, trash bags, empty bottles, open defecation, and sand, but this isn't always the case; some cities in Africa are clean and environmentally conscious.

Here's a glimpse at the five cleanest African cities

1. Kigali, Rwanda

Top 5 cleanest cities in Africa

Rwanda takes environmental protection seriously. Their national park, Nyungwe Forest, emphasises the importance of cleanliness to preserve the delicate ecosystem. As a strong indicator of their commitment, Kigali, the capital city, banned plastic bags in 2008, with hefty fines and potential jail time for offenders.

2. Cape Town, South Africa

Top 5 cleanest cities in Africa

Cape Town shines as a beacon of cleanliness in South Africa, securing the second-place spot. Nicknamed "Mother City," Cape Town takes pride in its immaculate streets and environmental initiatives. Sources like Further Africa and Know Africa acknowledge its well-deserved ranking.

3. Tunis, Tunisia

Top 5 cleanest cities in Africa

Tunisia enters the top three with its capital city, Tunis. Know Africa highlights the city council's dedication to maintaining cleanliness. Their innovative wastewater disposal system, utilising underground and seabed pipelines, ensures environmentally safe waste management.

4. Port Louis, Mauritius

Top 5 cleanest cities in Africa

Port Louis, the capital of Mauritius, boasts a place among Africa's cleanest cities. The Municipal City Council plays a crucial role in keeping the city spotless. Government funding and the abundance of tropical plants further contribute to Port Louis's pristine beauty.

5. Johannesburg, South Africa

Top 5 cleanest cities in Africa

Johannesburg, also known as the "City of Gold," is the second South African entry on this list. Both Further Africa and Know Africa acknowledge Johannesburg's commitment to cleanliness. This effort is spearheaded by the Mayor of Johannesburg.

It's really no surprise that no Nigerian cities make the list because a lot needs to be done in terms of waste management and cleanliness in many Nigerian cities.


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