Reactions As Vinicius Junior Steps Out with a New Hairstyle.

Real Madrid forward Vinicius Junior stepped out with a new hairstyle recently, and a lot of fans took to the comment section of a social media page to react to it. See the photo of Vinicius' new hairstyle below.

Reactions As Vinicius Junior Steps Out with a New Hairstyle.

Just as you can see in the above photo, Vinicius Junior now has his hair plaited to the back just like his teammate Camavinga does, and it actually looked good on him. See how some of the fans reacted to the hair below.

Reactions As Vinicius Junior Steps Out with a New Hairstyle.

Reactions As Vinicius Junior Steps Out with a New Hairstyle.

Vinicius Junior has been known for keeping one type of hairstyle throughout his playing career for Real Madrid so far, but yesterday being Thursday, the 6th day of June, 2024 he stepped out with a new hairstyle.

The hairstyle looked new but good on him as he trains with his Brazilian teammates ahead of the upcoming Copa America competition, and he will be hoping to maintain his fitness before the competition as well.


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