A Nigerian lady has shared her worrisome midnight ordeal after renting a house where the landlord is also an occupant.
The young girl with the handle @officialqueen_bb shared a video of the landlord having a serious altercation with his son who claimed that his dad was evil.
In the son's words: "Open the door let us do fire for fire prayer. Let the person that is evil die. Let us do prayers let the person that is evil die. You think I am afraid. I am just remembering all the evil you have done. Just leave my life. The thing is disturbing my career. Omo come and throw key for me o."
Queen advised people never to rent a house if they will be living with the landlord in the same compound.
She said:
"Don't ever rent an apartment if the landlord lives there. Me at 1 am I can't sleep because of his son. This is not funny at all. His son I don't know what's happening if he's mentally okay or not and he does this almost every night. This is 1 am and this guy is outside at my window. I am fed up guy."
Watch the video below: