Landmark Beach Demolition: 5 reasons FG should not have done it

Landmark beach demolition [rovingupdates]

Should the government have demolished Landmark Beach?

The recent demolition of structures on Landmark Beach in Lagos, Nigeria, to make way for the Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway has sparked controversy. While some see it as necessary progress, others lament the loss of a cherished landmark.

Here are five reasons why the Landmark beach demolition is a painful blow:

1. Livelihoods lost

Many people relied on the beach for their income. From waiters and cleaners to shopkeepers, the economic downturn in Nigeria makes losing a source of income due to a highway project with limited local benefits a heavy burden.

2. Loss of tourism

Landmark Beach was a tourist magnet, drawing visitors to Lagos and generating revenue for the state through business owners. Its demolition reduces tourism opportunities, potentially impacting local businesses that depend on visitor traffic.

3. Memories buried

Landmark Beach wasn't just a beach; it was a place where memories were made. Proposals, dates, concerts, and countless other moments were shared here. Demolishing the structures wipes away these cherished experiences for many.

4. Environmental concerns

Building a highway along the coast carries environmental risks. Disrupting natural barriers can lead to increased flooding in the future. Additionally, altering the shoreline will impact weather patterns and natural processes.

5. Misplaced priorities

Nigerians are grappling with everyday necessities-food, electricity, and education. Shouldn't resources be better allocated towards addressing immediate needs before embarking on a large-scale highway project?

While infrastructure projects are important, they should be carefully evaluated to minimise negative impacts on communities and the environment.


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