5 threesome sex positions that are totally amazing

5 best threesome positions [Men'shealth]

How can three people have sex and experience pleasure?

Whether it's a threesome of strangers, friends or a polyamorous relationship involving three lovers, the proper technique is the difference between one person being satisfied and the others being bored.

Without much ado, here are the best sex positions for threesomes or polyamorous relationships:

1. The Eiffel Tower

5 threesome sex positions that are totally amazing

The Eiffel Tower is a popular and perhaps the best threesome position that combines oral and penetrative sex. It actually looks like Eiffel Towel in Paris.

The first person takes a doggy-style posture while giving oral pleasure to the second, who kneels in front of him or her. The third person then penetrates the oral pleasure giver (the second person) from behind. Another option is to have the penetrating partner lie on their back while the other rides them, which allows for leaning forward, kissing, and touching.

2. 69 plus one

This is a twist on the classic 69-sex position, where two partners give each other oral sex. Two partners lay facing each other with their heads in each other's genitals, with third partner on the bed's edge penetrating anally from behind.

3. Oral-Penetrative Train

5 threesome sex positions that are totally amazing

If a bed is large enough, one partner lays on the bed, the second partner gives the first partner on the bed oral stimulation, and the third partner (the penetrative partner) stands and penetrates the second partner on the bed while he or she gives the first person oral stimulation. For this to work, guide the partners with your hands, body, and words, and let them know your preferred speed, depth, and rhythm.

4. Double penetration

Double penetration, where someone is penetrated vaginally and anally by two partners simultaneously, can be challenging due to the difficulty in positioning. However, it doesn't necessarily require two penises; it can be achieved using a finger or penis or using multiple hands in a threesome.

5. Shared oral

To heighten anticipation, two people lie on their backs, with the third partner alternately descending on them. To enhance anticipation, the recipients can use their hands or have one partner wait. This usually works if one person derives pleasure from making others feel pleasure.

The truth is, for all of these position to work, three of them have to be conscious about giving, receiving and making the pleasure of their partner(s) paramount.


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