Five fruits that can make your skin glow

Five fruits that can make your skin glow

Fruits are very beneficial to the body, and they have natural nutrients that help repair the skin.

It does not matter how much you spend on skin care products, the best way to have a sustainable skin glow is to incorporate natural fruit nutrients to your routine.

In other words, you can only glow if you're healthy from within. Here are fruits that can help you have a glowy skin:


You will never regret investing in lemon. It is a fruit that prevents skin issues and reduces aging and hyper-pigmentation. You can take it early in the morning before eating anything; honey can be added to the juice water.


This is a very common fruit in our environments. It is refreshing, rich in fibres  and contains 92 percent water. Watermelon has no fat and cholesterol. If you want to have an even skin texture, embrace watermelon. You can take it as a juice or add it to smoothies and salad.


Cucumber is very rich in Vitamin C and K, helpful in achieving healthy and glowy skin. You can eat it raw, mix it with salad or as a juice. For better results, make it a constant habit in your diet.


Pineapple contains minerals essential for a clear and healthy skin. It helps to reduce sun spots, acne and has the ability to remove dead skin cells. Pineapple is very delicious; you shouldn't have a problem eating it raw.


Strawberries contain exfoliates good for skin care. It has salicylic acid - it contains antibacterial properties  that help in reducing acne symptoms.

Try out these fruits and be consistent for a perfect result. Your aim to a healthy lifestyle starts with a step.


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