Historical Execution: 5 disturbing devices designed to end lives quickly

These punishments were gruesome [Taxation]

Imagine a time when justice was served not in courtrooms with judges and lawyers, but in public squares with executioners and scary devices.

It's a bit of a shiver-down-the-spine thought. Across different eras and lands, people came up with some seriously scary machines and methods to punish offenders. These weren't just about ending lives; they were designed to be quick, sometimes painful, and often a warning to others.

5 disturbing devices designed to end lives quickly

Here are some of the most hair-raising gadgets that were once used to enforce the ultimate punishment in the most final way possible:

1. The guillotine

Historical Execution: 5 disturbing devices designed to end lives quickly

The guillotine, infamous for its role in the French Revolution, was a device designed for efficient and 'humane' beheadings. Its razor-sharp blade made for a quick end, but the spectacle it created was anything but dignified.

2. The electric chair

Historical Execution: 5 disturbing devices designed to end lives quickly

Introduced in the USA in the late 19th century, the electric chair was meant to be a more humane alternative to hanging. However, its use often resulted in horrific scenes, making it a controversial method of execution.

3. The gallows

Historical Execution: 5 disturbing devices designed to end lives quickly

Hanging, one of the oldest methods of execution, was a common sight in medieval Europe. The gallows used the simple, yet brutal, method of hanging to dispatch the condemned. The drop was designed to break the neck swiftly, but it didn't always go as planned. Often placed in public squares, the gallows served as a stark warning to all who witnessed its grim purpose.

4. The garrote

Historical Execution: 5 disturbing devices designed to end lives quickly

Originating in Spain, the garrote involved a metal band or a rope looped around the victim's neck, which was then tightened until suffocation or neck-breaking occurred.

5. The firing squad

Historical Execution: 5 disturbing devices designed to end lives quickly

The firing squad, often considered a more honourable way to go, was quick yet visually dramatic. A group of marksmen would simultaneously fire at the condemned, ensuring a rapid end.


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