Rivers Crisis: There's No Doubt Wike Is Nursing His Presidential Ambition - Dele Momodu

In a recent interview with Arise News, Dele Momodu, a distinguished member of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), articulated his concerns regarding the internal dynamics and discord within the party. While acknowledging that he does not officially represent the party in the capacity of the national publicity secretary, Momodu spoke earnestly as a vested PDP member, shedding light on what he characterized as "ongoing rascality" within the party's ranks.

Rivers Crisis: There's No Doubt Wike Is Nursing His Presidential Ambition - Dele Momodu

Momodu's expressed worry extended beyond the confines of the PDP, as he conveyed a sense that the All Progressives Congress (APC) might be leveraging the internal disarray within the PDP's leadership for its strategic advantage.

Notably, Momodu directed his attention to Nyesom Wike, articulating a hypothetical scenario wherein he would have taken measures to remove Wike from his position if vested with such authority. The motivation behind this hypothetical action, according to Momodu, emanates from a strategic imperative to thwart potential advantages that the APC might accrue from the ongoing political turbulence.

In his words, he said; "I cannot speak on behalf of the PDP because I am not the national publicity secretary, but I will speak as a member of the PDP who is quite worried about the ongoing rascality, not just with our party but with the APC leadership that seems to benefit from the crisis in the PDP. If I had the power, I would have fired Wike long ago. There is nothing to it for me, but the PDP leadership must have their reasons for keeping him to continue to trouble the party. Anyone who knows Wike very well knows that he wants to eat his cake and have it at the same time. Wike wants to have one leg in the APC (All Progressives Congress) and another leg in the PDP (Peoples Democratic Party). There's no doubt Wike is nursing his presidential ambition, and he wants to use the Tinubu template.

Central to Momodu's critique is the perception that Governor Wike is navigating a political landscape with affiliations to both the APC and PDP, a dual allegiance that, in Momodu's view, exacerbates internal instability within the PDP. Furthermore, Momodu implied that Wike's political ambitions, particularly rumors of a presidential bid, may be influencing a political strategy reminiscent of Bola Tinubu.

Start the video at 3:48.


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