What is The Cheapest Food to Cook in Nigeria Right Now?

What is The Cheapest Food to Cook in Nigeria Right Now?

What is the Cheapest food to Cook in Nigeria Right Now? The price of food changes based on things like the time of year, where you live, and what you like to eat. But some foods are usually cheap and can help you make easy, low-cost meals.

Here are a few examples of cheap foods that you can use to make yummy and simple meals. Keep in mind that prices can vary, so it's a good idea to compare and look for discounts.

If you like cooking your own meals, getting food in bulk is a great idea. Let's say you're moving into your own place and need to buy food for the whole week, along with basic ingredients for your kitchen.

It's easier if you plan to cook a few meals all at once. This way, it's cheaper, tastier, and doesn't have preservatives. For example, if you chop up 250g of garlic in a food processor, you can use it in the 3 or 4 dishes you prepare. It stays fresh in the fridge for a couple of weeks and in the freezer for over a month.

What is The Cheapest Food to Cook in Nigeria Right Now?

What is the Cheapest Food to Cook in Nigeria Right Now?

Try cooking like many people around the world who don't have much money. This doesn't mean eating poorly, but it does mean having a diet that's more focused on vegetarian, maybe even vegan, meals.

A good tip is to buy your spices from the ethnic sections of a supermarket if available. They usually have bigger containers at better prices, and it's a smart way to stock up on flavors for your meals.

1. Carb Based Appetizers and Main Dishes:

The cheapest meals are often based on carbs, like appetizers and main dishes. Appetizers, especially, are cheap to make but can be sold at a good price. I'm sharing this info to highlight how much money you can save by cooking at home. Our restaurant is reasonably priced and caters to younger diners.

If you research where you get your food, compare prices, and buy seasonal fruits and veggies, you'll save even more. Buy in bigger amounts during one shopping trip, planning for about 10 days of meals.

On a day off, cook and prep several things. Divide and freeze for days you can't cook. Keep a mix of fully cooked and semi-ready meals. Move a frozen meal to the fridge the night before so you won't be tempted to order takeout. Stock up on foods you like; don't push yourself to eat things you don't enjoy when you're hungry or tired.

Keep steamed rice, various bread, hummus, curry, and eggs in the fridge. If possible, try making things from scratch, like chopping fresh garlic and herbs when you cook.

2. Herring and Potatoes:

Back before WWII, when money was tight, people often ate herring and potatoes, especially among the lower class. Eggs were considered a luxury due to the climate affecting chicken farming. Potatoes were a staple, always boiled and peeled. Herring came in various forms: fresh, salted, fermented, or smoked.

My grandmother, who experienced poverty, mentioned milk and butter were luxuries in her childhood. Bread was available but mostly hard and dry. She never heard of anyone affording only potatoes without herring.

3. Noodles and Spaghetti with Ketchup:

In Nigeria, many struggle not only with money but also lack cooking skills. Spaghetti with ketchup becomes a go-to. Boil noodles with a half seasoning cube, add some boiling water, then mix in raw veggies like cabbage, carrots, or spring onions. Flavor it with miso pastes and butter. It's a quick, affordable, and flavorful option.

4. Plain Oatmeal:

For a simple daily menu, start with plain oatmeal topped with sugar and black tea. Lunch might be a baloney, lettuce, and mustard sandwich with a banana and raw carrot. Dinner could be pinto beans with onions and diced ham, cornbread, margarine, and a simple iceberg lettuce salad, maybe with grapes.

5. Poaching Chicken:

I love poaching chicken; it keeps the meat moist and tender. Season the water for flavor, then use the liquid for chicken stock or to cook pasta. Unlike roasting or frying, poached chicken stays soft even when it cools in the fridge.

6. Eggs:

Eggs are an affordable source of protein. Make omelets, frittatas, or scrambled eggs for a quick and cheap meal.

7. Potatoes:

Potatoes are cheap and filling. Prepare mashed potatoes, potato soup, or baked potatoes for a budget-friendly meal.

8. Vegetables:

Affordable vegetables like cabbage, carrots, and onions can be used for stir-fry, soup, or roasted dishes. They're a cost-effective way to add nutrition to your meals.

Nigerian Food Recommendations

Many Nigerians will recommend jollof rice, claiming it's the best, often in a friendly competition with Ghana. If you're craving authenticity, try moi-moi (beans pudding) traditionally wrapped in leaves. For the adventurous, there's pounded yam with various soups.

1. For Spicy Meat Lovers:
Suya is a spicy delight made with BBQ beef, ram, or goat meat using local spices. If you prefer fish, go for BBQ fish with peppered sauce or try chicken suya.

2. Vegetarian Options:
For vegetarians, go for plantain and beans porridge or yam porridge. In the rainy season, indulge in roasted corn and coconut.

3. Personal Favorites:
My personal favorites include edikan Ekong soup, a mix of local veggies, spices, and lots of fish and meat, white soup thickened with yam and spiced up with local flavors, and bitter leaf soup made with arrowroot family crop, care fish, spices, meat, and fish.

Things You Need to Consider Before Cooking the Cheapest Food in Nigeria

Consider a few simple yet important things when cooking on a budget.

1. Control Your Portions:
Some foods are quick to cook, like a pasta dish in 15 minutes. Don't be tempted to make extra. Use a scale to cook just what you'll eat in one sitting. This prevents overeating and avoids unnecessary waste.

2. Avoid Shopping in Bulk:
While buying in bulk can save money, it also increases the risk of throwing away unused items. Saving 25% on bulk doesn't help if you end up discarding half of it. Plan carefully-especially for perishables like veggies, fruit, meat, and fish-buy only what you need.

3. Batch Cooking:
For recipes that take time, consider batch cooking. Make 3-4 portions of soups, pasta bakes, casseroles, or meat sauces. Enjoy one portion and store the rest: one in the fridge and two in the freezer.

4. Make Plans:
Before shopping, create a simple plan for your weekly menu. Know what you need by making a list or even a table with meals for the week. This helps you shop efficiently.

5. Make Good Use of Leftovers:
For singles and everyone else, use ingredients fully to minimize waste. For example, peel and cook broccoli and artichoke stalks. Get creative with leftovers, like using half a steak in tomorrow's salad or turning vegetable leftovers into a tasty frittata.


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