5 ways to take care of your hair during harmattan

Dry hair is common during harmattan [Coilguide]

How do you get harmattan out of your hair?

It isn't only your body that feels the effect of the harmattan season, your hair does too.

Your hair can feel very dry and brittle. It doesn't look as good and as healthy.

Here are some hair care tips for the season:

1. Moisturise and seal

You should be moisturising your hair a lot during this season.

Use a leave-in conditioner, and thick creams like shea butter to moisturise your hair and seal it in with extra virgin olive oil, Jamaican black castor oil, or peppermint oil.

You can also use a hair spritz that packs oil, conditioner and water to give your hair the required glow.

2. Co-wash instead of shampooing

Shampoos, especially sulphate-based ones, are the worst things for your hair this season because they eliminate much-needed moisture.

The next best option is to co-wash using a cleansing conditioner. It won't deplete your hair of moisture but it will condition it.

3. Pre-poo before washing

Pre-pooing moisturises your hair before actually washing it since we know shampoos can cause damage. You can use olive oil, coconut oil, honey, banana, and yoghurt to pre-poo.

4. Use a lot of oil on your hair

Be liberal with oil and oil-based products, massage your scalp deeply with it.

5. Make protective styles

This is the most important thing. You have to protect your hair from environmental damage. Use wigs, braids and twists to protect your hair.

Do not also forget to sleep with a silk bonnet.


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