Lady causes a buzz as she makes a list budgeting N422K for Christmas

Lady causes a buzz as she makes a list budgeting N422K for Christmas

A young lady sparks mixed reactions as she makes a list, capturing her budget of N422K for the items required to look beautiful for Christmas.

A snapshot of a budget list making the rounds on social media unveiled a list that contained prices of outfits ranging from clothing and accessories to beauty products and perfumes.

The total amount of the carefully curated list amounts to almost half a million naira, sparking mixed reactions concerning the items budgeted.

Lady causes a buzz as she makes a list budgeting N422K for Christmas

While others affirmed the list to be moderate, others argued the cost of the items on the list to be outrageous.

Reactions as lady makes Christmas list of N422K

excelsioricarus penned: "Total is 226, even if I had the money I won't give whoever prepared this because they are dishonest."

TweetAffairsss noted: "If I see 300k now I'm made need to settle family members."

rancho007 said: "She forgot to add Fake Bras 😂."

king_teeoby stated: "I'll round it up to N500K. She don try for me! ❤️❤️."

imqwincy said: "You no know wetin market dey talk now?"

judasgirl said: "This one too small. My own don deyy enter 1 million already."

angelicaaa commented: "Wow so una dey even write Christmas list. Rich kids everywhere."

sandravero6 reacted: "Only bra 20k where una dey see this kind money."


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