"How I switched my UK study visa to work visa in 2 days - Lady opens up

'How I switched my UK study visa to work visa in 2 days - Lady opens up

A lady with the TikTok handle @ckawundee has opened up on the steps she took to swiftly convert her UK study visa to a work visa within 2 days.

The video, posted on TikTok on December 9, has gained significant attention and is currently circulating on various online platforms.

The UK resident begins the video by revealing that she managed to switch her UK study visa to a work visa in just two days.

'How I switched my UK study visa to work visa in 2 days - Lady opens up

"The reason I said it all happened in two days was because I submitted my work visa application on Saturday night and received a visa offer on Sunday morning. Strange right ???," she said.

The post comes in the wake of increased concerns among migrants following the announcement of new, stricter visa rules in the UK.

The UK resident shares her journey, emphasizing the importance of learning from past experiences.

She references her initial visa rejection as a pivotal moment that led her to improve her understanding of visa application processes.

@ckawundee also emphasizes the significance of adhering to guidelines outlined on the official UK government website, advising prospective migrants to read and follow instructions diligently.

In her words;

"Step 1; People tend throw tantrums when I genuinely share how things worked out for good for me because I gave %, My study/work abroad journey got a whole lot better after my first visa rejection which taught me how to read and follow instructions as they are presented on the @ukgovofficial website."

For steps two and three, @ckawundee recounts her preparations before graduation, during which she began applying for jobs and informed potential employers about her timeline.

She emphasizes the value of honesty and thorough preparation, revealing that her transparency and foresight paid off during job interviews, ultimately leading to a more lucrative offer.

"My employer was more than excited for me to present to her a letter which showed I had competed my exams at Uni ( not graduated yet) and she was happy for me to start a- never been more excited," the UK resident added.

See below;


How I switched from my student visa to my work visa. The reason I said it all happened in two days was because I submitted my work visa application on Saturday night and received a visa offer on Sunday morning. Strange right ??? Now I’m not sure if I’m supported to share this but guessing there is no harm in it, I think the system can be quite more fair to international applicants who they are aware are already in the Uk 🇬🇧🇬🇧. I hope this does not discourage applicants who are not in the Uk because of I’ve some being offered visa under 3 days. Step 1; People tend throw tantrums when I genuinely share how things worked out for good for me because I gave 💯%, My study/work abroad journey got a whole lot better after my first visa rejection which taught me how to read and follow instructions as they are presented on the @ukgovofficial website. I learned that the immigration office wants to genuinely help if you give them genuine reason. So I made sure I did the necessary preparation before hand. I applied for jobs way before I graduated, highlighting to all potential employers that I will complete my exams in 4 months. This gave them a picture of what my journey will look like. Step 2: I got an interview which turned out to be a better job offer, because I had really gone for an entry level. The interviewer kindly offered me a different position, I gave her 💯 % because I did a thorough interview preparation Step 3: For those who do not need a license to practice, this process would have even been easier. At this point, my license application got a hiccup due to references who did not show up on time, but I still didn’t give up the hope. I pushed through till I got my license. My employer was more than excited for me to present to her a letter which showed I had competed my exams at Uni ( not graduated yet) and she was happy for me to start a- never been more excited. • I hope this gives you a clue on what you need to do. Still looking for a job? Check out my Uk jobs with visa ebook which everything thing you need to know and where you need to go. It’s discounted to 50% off. Send me “ebook now” and will give you a free cheat sheet too⭐️. All the best

♬ original sound - Uk jobs coach


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