Before you can leave the shores of this country into any country of your choice you need an international passport or simply a Nigerian international passport.
With out an international passport then processing your visa becomes impossible reasons is that at every point of your visa application process your international passport will be required from you.
The Nigerian international passport is of two types please have it in mind in this article we shall list the types and also the prices.
Recently the Nigerian government unveils a new international passport. In this article you shall find out the new cost of international passport in Nigeria and also how to apply for them easily with out waiting for months.
Types of international passport in Nigeria
64 pages passport are for those who travel a lot or frequently.
32 pages passport are for those who don't travel frequently.
How Much is The Nigerian International Passport Currently this ?
32-page five-year standard passport
64-page five-year standard passport
64-page 10-year standard passport
32-page five-year official passport
From the information we obtained from the Nigerian immigration officials we found out that the recently introduced Nigerian international passport now sells for 70,000 naira only.
The Nigerian immigration service also hinted that the sale of the new international passport will Commence March 4th 2019.
Requirements for Nigeria international passport
Before you can apply and get the Nigerian international passport you need to present certain documents which we are going to list here today.
Get a valid Local Government identification letter, you can get this from your LGA headquarters.
Get your Birth certificate or affidavit from a competent law court please note that this won't cost you more than 2000 naira.
You will need your passport photographs and this must be recently taken not less than 6months.
You will need a Guarantors form also
If you are a minor like under 16 years of age please get a letter from your parents.
Marriage certificate is also need at certain point.
If you lost your passport and you needed a new one please come along with a police report.
How to apply for the Nigeria international passport online
The first thing you have to do is to log on to the Nigerian immigration portal.
Click on the application form you wish and start your application.
Don't Forget to select the type of passport you are applying for ;like we have the standard E-passport and the official E- passport.
Then fill the form accordingly, make sure that all information you are providing remain valid and correct.
Submit your application and proceed to pay online, please note that you are free to pay in dollars or naira so choose accordingly.
Please note that you can pay online which is the most convenient form of payment. if you wish to pay online indicate it. If you wish to pay at the bank indicate it also.
Note: an interview will be schedule for you, at the the end of your payment you should see it there on the printed acknowledgement form. When coming for the interview come along with all the documents we listed above and also come along with your NIS e- receipt.
Where will i be issued the new international passport?
After applying in person or online you still need to travel all the way to Ikoyi,Ikeja Lagos, Kano. Or if you reside in London, New York, Washington, and Atlanta, USA or any country you can get it from the Nigerian embassy over there.