Nigerian family surprises wedding guests with agege bread souvenirs

Nigerian family surprises wedding guests with agege bread souvenirs

A Nigerian family surprised their wedding guests by distributing several pieces of Agege bread, an act captured in a video that's gaining attention online.

The video depicts a group of individuals at what seems to be a wedding, each holding a piece of Agege bread.

Nigerian family surprises wedding guests with agege bread souvenirs

A lady calmly showcases her bread received as a souvenir from the event, while a group of grown men can be seen attempting to take more for themselves.

Shortly after the video surfaced online, concerned individuals flocked to the comments section to express their reactions.

Here are some of the responses:

Remi: "‎Please pass one, I want use em eat beans."

BarbTemz: "‎I love going to naija weddings, the party favors are like no other."

Olusegun Adepegba: "Dìvine Agege Bread!Ɓest tasty Brèad ìn town."

Montana: "‎waitttttt did he try to sneak out with 5 of them lmaooooo."

mursee: "‎Won't 3 spoil before he finish 2."

Brownskinbaddie: "‎I will take five even. am I waiting for u."

Montana: "‎we gon do it every time though i fear."

Watch video:


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