A lady has recounted how she played along with a taxi driver after VIO tried to impound his car on the road.
The lady revealed that she boarded the cab and the officials of the VIO stopped them, asking for a particular ID card which proved that the man used his car for commercial purposes only and not for public transport.
In an attempt to prevent his car from being impounded, the lady revealed that the man roped her in by telling them that she was his wife and the officials had asked them to prove it by locking lips.
The lady smartly avoided the situation by stating that she's not big on public displays of affection.
Following this, the man informed them that she's pregnant with his child, meanwhile, he had already saved her number as 'My Love' and showed them the call he placed.
EVventually, the man's car was freed, and when the lady got home, she got a text from the man, saying that he's grateful for how she played along.
See her full narration below:
"VIO stopped the cab I was in today and insisted he provide a particular ID card that proved he used his car for commercial purposes. Then he goes ahead and tells them that I'm his wife, they come to confirm from me at the back seat and ask me to come down and then ask us to kiss to prove that we are married."
"I lie and say that we are married but I don't believe in kissing in public. He then tells them that I'm pregnant and he's taking me to the hospital for an urgent procedure."
"They eventually impounded the car with me in it, while he was across the express begging them to release us. At some point during the begging he called me on the phone and said "baby, please come out of the car so they see you're still around."
"During all this chaos, the driver had saved my contact as "my love" Thankfully they let us go after wasting our time for almost 30 minutes and he didn't have to pay them off."
See the post below: