10 Reasons Why Nigerian Men Are Not Marrying

Financial pressure, career ambitions, fear of divorce, all contribute to this trend.

10 Reasons Why Nigerian Men Are Not Marrying

Marriage is a significant institution in Nigerian society, but in recent years, there has been a noticeable decline in the number of men getting married.

This shift in behavior has sparked discussions and debates about the reasons behind this trend.

In this article, we will explore ten possible reasons why Nigerian men are not marrying as frequently as they used to.

1. Financial Pressure

One of the primary reasons why Nigerian men are hesitant to get married is the financial pressure associated with it.

Many men feel the need to establish themselves financially before taking on the responsibility of a wife and children.

With the rising cost of living, high unemployment rates, and economic instability, men may delay marriage until they feel financially secure.

2. Career Ambitions

Nigerian men, like men all over the world, often prioritize their career ambitions. They may want to focus on building a successful career and achieving their professional goals before settling down.

The pursuit of career advancement can be time-consuming and demanding, leaving little room for marriage and family life.

3. Fear of Divorce

Divorce rates have been on the rise in Nigeria, and this has led to a fear of commitment among some men.

They may be hesitant to enter into a marriage that could potentially end in divorce, especially if they have witnessed the negative consequences of divorce in their own families or communities.

4. Changing Gender Roles

The traditional gender roles in Nigerian society are gradually evolving, with more women pursuing higher education and entering the workforce.

This shift has led to a change in expectations within relationships and marriages. Some men may feel uncertain about their roles and responsibilities in a changing society, leading them to delay or avoid marriage altogether.

5. Cultural Pressure

Nigerian society places a significant emphasis on marriage, and there can be immense pressure on men to marry at a certain age.

However, this pressure can have the opposite effect, causing some men to resist marriage as a form of rebellion or to assert their independence.

6. Fear of Commitment

Commitment can be intimidating for some men, regardless of their nationality. The idea of settling down and being responsible for another person's happiness and well-being can be overwhelming.

Some Nigerian men may prefer to maintain their freedom and avoid the perceived constraints of marriage.

7. Changing Relationship Dynamics

The dynamics of relationships have changed over the years, with more emphasis on individuality and personal fulfillment.

Some men may prioritize their own happiness and well-being over traditional societal expectations of marriage.

8. Lack of Suitable Partners

Some Nigerian men may find it challenging to find suitable partners who align with their values, goals, and aspirations.

This can lead to a reluctance to settle down and marry someone who does not meet their criteria for a life partner.

9. Fear of Financial Obligations

In Nigerian culture, men are often expected to be the primary breadwinners and providers for their families.

This expectation can create anxiety and fear of the financial obligations that come with marriage. Some men may feel unprepared or uncertain about their ability to meet these expectations.

10. Personal Priorities

Ultimately, some Nigerian men may choose not to marry simply because it is not a priority for them.

They may have other goals and aspirations that take precedence over marriage, such as personal development, travel, or pursuing hobbies and interests.


The reasons why Nigerian men are not marrying as frequently as before are complex and multifaceted.

Financial pressure, career ambitions, fear of divorce, changing gender roles, cultural pressure, fear of commitment, changing relationship dynamics, lack of suitable partners, fear of financial obligations, and personal priorities all contribute to this trend.

It is essential to understand and respect individual choices when it comes to marriage, as societal expectations and norms continue to evolve.


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