Woman teaches self defense to married colleagues in abusive marriages

Woman teaches self defense to married colleagues in abusive marriages

A Nigerian woman takes time from her busy schedule to teach self defense to her fellow married colleagues in abusive marriages.

A video making the rounds on social media captured a TikTok user identified as @sweettoto.a.k.a.asagold who showed off some moves used against her husband.

Woman teaches self defense to married colleagues in abusive marriages

In the video, the woman could be heard emphasizing 'never backing down' when faced with a toxic husband.

Showing some defensive moves against an abusive man, the woman in question urged women to stand up for themselves.

"Married women, no dey run for your husband because of say e dey beat you. Wetin you do be say you go set yourself like this, mount blow; as your husband dey come before he go give you one, take him down and pull his teeth," she said in part.

Reactions trailing self defense from trainer against abusive marriages

Igbago Queen stated: "Since covid 19, no one has been normal in this world ooo😂😂😂😂😂."

Temitope💋❤💋 noted: "That is why I prefer buying data than buying land 😂😂."

Rukkyken71 penned: "This is why I can't marry from Warri even though I am from Delta🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣."

mercymaxwell400 wrote: "so any time we are fighting with our husband we should wear sucker pant, abi."

Chinecherem noted: "it's a blessing when you don't have a family member that disgrace you online 🤦🤦."

Watch the video below ...



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