Tracing the origins and unraveling the meanings of all Barcelona nicknames in history

Barcelona nicknames have existed for several years and are popular among their countless fans globally. Before becoming Barcelona, the club and city underwent numerous name adaptations. Where did these names come from, and what do they mean? Discover the names of the Spanish club that has undergone various structural changes since its inception.

Barcelona nicknames

Barcelona's short name, Barca, is one of the most popular Barcelona nicknames. The Carthaginian surname means 'Ray'. However, several other names have been coined over the years, thanks to the team and the city's heritage and evolution. How many do you know? Let us delve into a comprehensive list of aliases that F.C Barcelona goes by.

The origin of Barcelona nicknames

What are the nicknames for Barcelona? F.C. Barcelona competes in the La Liga league and embodies significant values. Barcelona city is rich in history and has several stories explaining its history. Some historians believe that its name was adapted from the original name 'Barke-no,' given to the city by Iberian settlers.

Other sources claim that ancient Phoenicians and Carthaginians founded the city. Hamilcar Barca, a Carthaginian ruler, inspired the Barca (Ray) nickname. However, the term refers to the football team but not the city. Football has been a significant part of the city's heritage and culture.

Others attribute the origin to the Layetanos tribe conquered by Cornelio Escipión and became a Roman colony named Iulia Augusta Paterna Faventia Barcino, giving the city its name. Here are some of the historical FC Barcelona nicknames:

Barca Nona

FC Barcelona nicknames

During the Roman times, Hercules went on a sea expedition to search for the Golden Fleece. During the 9-day mission, there was a massive storm where eight boats survived.

Unfortunately, the ninth was temporarily lost at sea, but Hercules found it shipwrecked at Montjuic. The navigators found the beauty of the place breathtaking and named it after the lost boat, Barca-Nona, also known as the ninth boat.


In 14 AD, Ceasar Augustus came to monitor the region and cemented the Roman presence there. He changed its name from Colonia Faventia Julia Augusta Pia Barcino to Barcino (Italian), which served as a settlement for retired soldiers.


This is one of the Catalans Barcelona nicknames popular during the Middle Ages. After some centuries, Barcino evolved to Barchinona and experienced massive expansion. The city was called Barcalon, Barcheona, and Barchenona during the late Middle Ages.

Other Barcelona nicknames

 FC Barcelona nicknames Blaugrana

Unlike other cities and football teams, Barcelona has name adaptations across different cities, including France (Barcelone), Italy (Barcellona), and Turkey (Barselona). Barcelona fans are known as Culés, meaning individuals who show their backside. This was because fans walking into the stadium would face numerous backsides on their way in. Here are all Barcelona nicknames used today in different contexts:


This is the official abbreviation of the football franchise. It is also recognized as the abbreviation for the Catalan capital. The country's football council popularized the term, and it corresponds to the International Air Transport Association airport code of the Barcelona-El Prat Airport.


What is FC Barcelona's nickname, and how did they get it? Barna is the football club's official nickname. The country's residents refer to the city by this name, which is taken from the name's first and last prefixes. The term 'Barna' is popular among the younger Barcelonians.


FC Barcelona's nickname, Blaugrana, is inspired by the team's colours. In Catalan, 'blau' means blue, and grana translates to 'deep red.'

Can Fanga

all Barcelona nicknames

Can Fanga is one of the funny Barcelona nicknames used by residents of the Girona Province. It is translated as ''The House of Mud'' thanks to its muddy unpaved streets in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Ciudad Condal

This term dates back to the 9th century when Barcelona was the administrative centre of various Spanish counties (Condales) in North Catalonia. The region was divided into smaller counties administered by a city count (Ciudad). The counties were controlled from Barcelona, and the name ''Ciudad Condal'', referring to the counties, has stuck among the locals to date and is mainly used by the media.

Ciutat Comtal

This is another nickname popular among the locals, meaning County City. It is the Catalan translation of the city's nickname, "Ciudad Condal."

Barcelona short name

Barcelona's nicknames have increased among their fans globally. The city has undergone historical changes since its inception, and locals have developed an attachment to some, thanks to their rich meanings. If you plan to visit the city soon, ensure that you study some interesting historical facts about it to have a clearer understanding of its evolution.


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