Veteran actor Mr Ibu has come out to seek public assistance as he battles an ailment that may cost him his leg. In a video shared on his IG page, the actor said he has been down for so many weeks and has been on admission. He said the medical doctors have said that if they exhaust the options they have, they might resort to cutting off his leg. He asked Nigerians to pray for him and also support him financially. He shared details of his account details.
His daughter who spoke said the actor has been down for two weeks and that they have been trying their best. She said he is not getting better and that they have exhausted all the resources they have. She appealed to anyone who can help fly him abroad for better medical care to come to their aid.
His wife who also spoke asked Nigerians to please come to her husband's aid.
Account name: John Ikechukwu Okafor
Account number: 1685687982
Bank: Access Bank
Watch the video shared below