Lady tourist reveals what she discovered with a roadside food vendor as she travels the Northern part of the country

Lady tourist reveals what she discovered with a roadside food vendor as she travels the Northern part of the country

A Nigerian lady has made a video showing what she discovered with a roadside food vendor on her sojourn in the Northern area of Nigeria.

The lady who was amazed by this strange event made a video and posted it online.

To her surprise, the roadside food vendor was attending to a man, selling him rice but in place of the usual stew, she served powdered pepper from a container, while sprinkling maggi and groundnut oil on the food.

This shocked the lady to no ends, asking the viewers if they had ever seen such a thing or eaten that kind of food.

Many Northerners in the comments have reacted to the video, most claiming that it is actually a normal delicacy in the North, Garau-Garau.

Lady tourist reveals what she discovered with a roadside food vendor as she travels the Northern part of the country

See video here:


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