Ask your partner these questions only if you want to end your relationship

There are some tricky questions you should never ask your significant other.

Ask your partner these questions only if you want to end your relationship

But, at the same time, there are some other tricky questions you must avoid asking to keep your relationship alive. They might seem harmless at first, but these questions can potentially jeopardise your relationship.

The questions were compiled by a stand-up comic, Hannah Jones, who critics accused of trying to ruin relationships.

Here are the questions you should probably avoid asking your partner if you want to remain together:

We all have our insecurities, and it's perfectly normal to want to better ourselves. But asking your partner to critique your appearance is a recipe for disaster. Their answers may accidentally hurt your feelings, and even if they mean well, could leave you feeling self-conscious.

This question is very unnecessary and can create an uncomfortable situation for your partner. It's unfair to make your loved one choose between you and their parent since the love for a parent is different from the love for a partner. This kind of loyalty test could cause unnecessary drama and even a breakup.

This question is a threat to any relationship. Regardless of your partner's answer, seeds of doubt and jealousy would have already been planted that may grow into bigger problems over time. It's best to avoid putting your partner in such tricky situations.

This question is soaked in negativity and is emotionally draining. It forces your partner to imagine a future without you, which can be insensitive and painful.

Asking this only pits your physical appearance against your personality, making your partner feel like they have to choose between two things they love about you. It'll create unnecessary drama and this goes against the real meaning of love, which is about accepting each other for who you are as a whole.


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