4 Signs Your Girlfriend Pretends Alot


1. Changing Stories.

If your girlfriend often tells you different things at different times, that's a sign she may not be truthful. It's like she's playing a role and not being herself.

2. Emotionally Closed.

If she doesn't share her feelings or acts distant, it could mean she's pretending to be okay when she's not. People who pretend a lot often hide their true emotions.

3. Canceling Plans.

If she frequently cancels plans or makes up reasons not to spend time with you, it suggests she might not be as interested as she claims. Her actions don't match her words.

4. Secretive Phone or Social Media.

When someone pretends, they might hide their messages or calls with others, especially if it's with potential romantic interests. If she's very secretive about her phone or social media, it could be a sign of pretending.


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