After I helped my friend to plan her wedding she told me I wasn't invited - South African woman cries

After I helped my friend to plan her wedding she told me I wasn

A South African woman, Wokuhle, has revealed when she realised her supposed friend actually hated her.

"When I helped her plan for her wedding (she did not have a wedding planner) and 2 weeks before the wedding, I told her I don't know what I am going to wear to her wedding. Her response was, "Is it possible to not come? I've decided to invite close people," she said on Monday, September 11.

"No. She told me I was not invited, so I respected her wishes. I sent the present because I already had bought it and it was engraved her name x his."

After I helped my friend to plan her wedding she told me I wasn

After I helped my friend to plan her wedding she told me I wasn

After I helped my friend to plan her wedding she told me I wasn


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