1. Lack of Initiation.
When she's not into you, she won't initiate contact or make an effort to reach out. Whether it's texting, calling, or planning outings, you'll find yourself doing most of the work.
2. Short Responses.
Her messages are often short and lack enthusiasm. Instead of engaging in meaningful conversations, she replies with one-word answers or emojis, showing disinterest in deepening the connection.
3. Excuse-Making.
If she frequently cancels plans or comes up with excuses to avoid spending time with you, it's a sign she's not interested. A genuine interest would lead to a desire to spend time together.
4. Minimal Physical Contact.
Lack of physical affection, like hugs or kisses, can also indicate her disinterest. When someone is into you, they tend to seek physical closeness and affection naturally.
5. Prioritizing Others.
If she consistently puts other people or activities ahead of you, it suggests you're not a priority. Whether it's friends, work, or hobbies, not making time for you indicates a lack of romantic interest.